Technical Solutions
Technical support is a key part of our support strategy, providing dedicated technical consultants with the training & tools to impact our clients business.

Mobile Training Center
Field Certification, Product Training, New Product Introductions, Equipment Analysis, Process Improvement...
The CCS Mobile Training Center provides the ability to demonstrate and train on new products and systems without having to use the shop supplies. The van contains a complete mixing system with Spies Hecker along with a ColorNet computer, Acquire EFX Quantum Spectrophotometer, testing equipment and color tools.
Contact CCS to see the Mobile Center at your facility.
Field Certification
CCS is the only Northern California Spies Hecker distributor authorized to conduct field certifications that satisfy both I-Car and O.E.M. requirements. This on-site certification also qualifies for I-Car training points.
101 Spies Hecker Hi-TEC Waterborne 8 I-Car Hours
102 Spies Hecker Surface Preparation 7 I-Car Hours
103 Spies Hecker Cosmetic Repair 7 I-Car Hours
111 Spies Hecker Electronic Color Tools 6 I-Car Hours